Overclocked Mac OS

Having done the research and found (too) many sites on how to overclock the G4 867mhz processor in my Quicksilver - I've decided the time has come to go ahead. However one question remains...933mhz or 1ghz.
I orignally planned to overclock to 933mhz (one jump). My reasons:
> the 7450 cpu already runs quite warm - one jump is probably enough.
(Although a different cooling fan could fix this...)
> the L3 cache SDRAM is rated for 250mhz.
867mhz = L3 217mhz.
933mhz = L3 233mhz
1ghz = L3 250mhz.
From what I've read it seems that in many cases the L3 cache became disabled when this processor was overclocked to 1ghz. That is why I was only planning to go to 933mhz. But if 1ghz is possible I would certainly like to try. Can I downclock the L3 cache?
Does anybody have any information or experience with this?

Hi ToastyX, I'm running a hackintosh, which is a PC that runs Mac OS: Mountain Lion. I'm wondering if I can overclock on a Mac OS. I've noticed that all the software needed to overclock one of these m. Overclock your Mac Pro from 2.8GHz to 3.24GHz with easy tool In the PC world, it isn't too tough to get overclocking tools. They have existed for years and can, with cooling apparatus and other. I have not found any overclocking tool that runs natively on mac os x however, the Nvidia system tools should allow you to make changes in windows (which you have done) and then restart the computer and go into osx and the changes should stay (so long as you don't shut it off).


Overclocked Mac Os X

Outside of gaming, overclocking can boost performance in 3D modeling, video editing, and image editing applications, to name a few. Basically, any application that demands a lot from your CPU will. Overclocking the Power Mac G4 QuickSilver (Single-CPU) QuickSilver G4’s are all 133MHz bus systems, use only the jumper settings as mentioned in this section, mixing them up with those for the MDD can damage your CPU card. For good measure, here are the systems: Power Mac.