Prometheus (NathanDimmer) Mac OS

  1. Prometheus (nathandimmer) Mac Os Update
  2. Prometheus (nathandimmer) Mac Os Catalina

System Requirements

Prometheus runs very well on typical modern computers, with high-end systems performing better but not at all required.
Mac: OS X 10.7 or greater
PC: Windows® 7, Windows® 8, or compatible.
Processor: Dual-core or better recommended.
Memory: 2 GB+ recommended.
Graphics: OpenGL® capable, dedicated graphics card (256 MB+) recommended.
Display: 1280 by 800 pixels resolution or better recommended.
Laptop? Yes. For example, we use the MacBook Pro in-house. Just follow the above suggestions.
Language: The software's interface and documentation are currently in English only, but you can easily customize your interface by making convenient unicode-labeled toolbar buttons in your language of choice. And since Prometheus has built-in multi-user customizable profiles, you can use different customizations for each user.
Different system? If you have a different system than listed above, please ask us about your specific needs.

Prometheus OS is a puzzle detective game where you use the eponymous terminal-based operating system to access hidden police data and figure out the mystery behind their cover up. Use your logic and skills to find data and decrypt scrambled text using the built in tools. I am trying out Prometheus on Mac OS X. I looked up the downloads and not having a direct indication of which version is for Mac. I tried docker to run the Prometheus on Mac. Just want to run it directly on Mac without docker. Does any one know which version to pick. There were few BSDs there for pick. I know Mac is also BSD. Prometheus is a time-series database that stores our metric data by pulling it (using a built-in data scraper) periodically over HTTP. The intervals between pulls can be configured, of course, and we have to provide the URL to pull from. It also has a simple user interface where we can visualize/query on all of the collected metrics.

hi there,

recently i started pushing metrics to prometheus but whenever i sent a sample query to prometheus to see the data points, i would get none.

There were no errors in prometheus and i was scratching my head …. grrr…

Prometheus (nathandimmer) mac os catalina

I was on Mac OS and using a Docker image of Prometheus (version=1.7.1)

Prometheus (nathandimmer) Mac Os Update

When i went into the docker container and checked the dateTime, walaaaaaaaaaaaa

There was a Time mismatch between host and Docker container.

#___7_day__difference__ –> Possible docker bug !!!

since i was searching in the current timebucket, and the datapoints were going to time bucket 7 days ago, i was not able to find em.


Prometheus (nathandimmer) Mac Os Catalina

Restarting docker for Mac fixed the issue.